Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Grape Rewards Loyalty Program?
Grape Rewards replaces the Loyalty Card Program. Like the former loyalty program, Grape Rewards rewards you for every purchase made at Rubino Estates Winery. For every dollar you spend with us, you receive one Point. These points are redeemable for purchases at our winery or online.
How much does it cost to join the Grape Rewards Loyalty Program?
The Grape Rewards Loyalty Program is a free for anyone who would like to join. Simply create a profile on our website. Club Members are automatically enrolled.
How are Grape Rewards Points calculated?
You will receive 1 Point for every $1 you spend with us. If you are a Royal Ruby Club member, you will earn 2 Points for every $1 spent. Call the Wine Club at 925-484-1699 to upgrade your membership.
How can I redeem my Grape Rewards Points?
Your Grape Rewards Points may be redeemed on purchases made in the winery or online. When at the winery, ask your wine ambassador to apply Points to your purchase as you desire. Grape Rewards Points can be redeemed on all wines, merchandise, and deli items. When you make an online purchase, you will be given the option to redeem Points on your items. Apply as you wish. Points used may not exceed 50% of the transaction total.
Can I apply my Grape Rewards Points to my club shipment?
Unfortunately, Grape Rewards Points may not be redeemed for club shipments, sales tax, and shipping costs.
Do my Grape Rewards Points expire?
Your Grape Rewards points never expire as long you maintain a valid profile within our system.
Can I transfer my Grape Rewards Points to a friend?
Your Grape Rewards points are non-transferrable.
What is the dollar value of a Grape Reward Point?
One Grape Reward Point is the equivalent of $.05.
Can I cash my Grape Rewards Points in for cash?
Unfortunately, Grape Rewards Points have no cash value.

Have more questions? Please email us at with any further questions regarding the Grape Rewards Loyalty Program.