How to Keep Your Resolutions
Be realistic. The best way to beat the odds when it comes to keeping your New Year’s resolution is by starting with the right kind of goal. A goal that is too lofty leads to frustration and, in our experience, a rather uninspired February. Instead of resolving to, for example, never have sugar again, try to use your current habits as a starting point. Instead of a personal prohibition, aim for only a certain number of sweet snacks each week as a limit. Beginning with a single step may seem paltry, but it is actually the most effective way to keep your long-term goals in mind.
Be prepared for challenges. Making a good resolution may be a bit of a challenge, but keeping that resolution is much more so! It may help to make a list of the pros and cons you may encounter in keeping with your resolution. If you anticipate the most difficult moments, you are more prepared for them when they come.
Be consistent. When you set goals for the future, do not neglect the past. Though it is true that the last year has been especially trying for many, it has also been a good time to learn more about ourselves. Make sure you do some reflection on the lessons and little successes. We can even learn from the moments that felt like failures. By thinking about these experiences, we understand the things we really love to do and what fills the tank. This also gives you a moment to celebrate the past goals you have already met, which do wonders for feeling encouraged.
Be specific. In 1961, President JFK declared a short, specific goal: before the end of the decade, the US should send a man to the moon and return him safely to earth. Those who have analyzed this goal have found that the most vital elements were the clarity and the time-bound nature. Resolutions that follow the same model are the most likely to be fulfilled. For example, resolving to try 10 new dinner recipes in the next three months is much more effective than saying you want to cook more. True to the resolution, the Apollo 11 mission to the moon brought and returned 3 men in July of 1969.
Be aware of your motivation. Feeling burnt out and unmotivated is the enemy of resolutions. In order to run a marathon, both metaphorically and literally, you need to run on the right fuel. If your motivation for a certain goal is in spite or self-hate, the resolution will cause a deep lack of inspiration. When motivation comes from a deeper well of personal meaning, the fuel burns longer. Make sure your goals and values are in harmony, and let your values drive your progress!
Be forgiving. If you find yourself breaking your resolution consistently, you may be tempted to throw in the towel. We recommend revising instead of relenting. If your resolution proves to be unrealistic, give yourself time to figure out what the best new version may be. When you find yourself keeping to your promise, take a moment to reward yourself with something that doesn’t contradict your resolution.
Be open about your goal. We need the support of friends more than ever when we are making positive change. Talking about your goal and what you are doing to achieve it will serve you well. Even if you have to talk over a Zoom call, try to connect with your friends. Ask them if they have any goals that you can help them achieve. Your goals may differ greatly, but you can still collaborate with and support one another.
If you have resolutions this year, we want to know! Tag us on social media @Rubinoestates
As you go through this year, no matter how big or small your goal is, we hope you are encouraged to enjoy 2021. Don’t look past your successes--celebrate them! Perhaps put away some of your favorite Rubino Estates wines to celebrate your achievements at the end of this year. Don’t hesitate to let the celebration begin now! It’s the perfect time to set up your cellar for the year.