The Eve of Harvest
Each morning, the Estate is holding its breath. Any day, the harvest will begin and our winemaker and his team will begin their labor of love, transforming the bounty into the wines we will enjoy for many years to come. The vines are full, ripe, and almost ready. As shown above, clusters in our Riserva Sangiovese block ripen to perfection. Below, Sauvignon Blanc grapes glow in the first light of the day.
These gorgeous green-skinned grapes will find their way into our 2021 Fumé Blanc.
Here, the sunlight has not quite evaporated the dew that lingers from the morning's fog on a promising cluster destined for our Riserva Petite Sirah.
The sunlight graces our Chardonnay with a breathtaking golden glow in a way that we can't help but look forward to the beauty of what the bottles will hold.
Our Riserva Barbera is fruitful and picturesque, perfect for nature lovers and wine lovers alike.
In our Landmark Barbera block, the sun peeks through and begins to warm the air and bring on the day. The deep purple fruit continues to mature, growing ever closer to harvest time.
Our winemaker has closely monitored every facet of the vineyard and predicts that our Sauvignon Blanc grapes will be ready first, even within the next few days. Fumé Blanc lovers, rejoice!
Meanwhile, our Riserva Cabernet Sauvignon is patiently ripening into a gorgeous dark hue, ready to be appreciated by wine lovers of all kinds.
The vineyard has an uncommon type of beauty in this season. If you would like to see it up close, perhaps you'll love our Duck Tour—click here for details.